
当前位置 > 电话预定餐厅和订餐英语对话电话预定餐厅和订餐英语对话的区别

  • 最新预订酒店英语对话


    B: I’d like to make a reservation in your hotel.我想在你的酒店预定房间。因此不难看出,自制饰品在校园里也大有市场所在。对于那些走在流行前端的女生来说,〝捕捉〞新事物便〝捕捉〞到了时尚与个性。A: Sure. Whats your expected date of arrival?当然可以。您什么时候来?I’ll arriv...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 677 ℃ 183
  • 求一边关于餐厅订餐的英语对话


    waiter: Good evening. What would you like for you dinner? Today's special is black pepper steak. Here's the menu. 侍应生:晚上好。您想吃些什么呢?今天的特别晚餐是黑胡椒牛排。这里是菜单。a gentleman: I think I will have the black pepper steak plus a cup of water, thanks....

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 292 ℃ 153
  • 英语餐厅点餐对话


    餐厅点菜情景英文对话篇1 a: waiter, a table for two, please. 服务生,请给我一张两人的桌子。 b: yes, this way please. 好的,请跟我来。 a: can w... 请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗? a: yes, of course. may i have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓? b: bruce. by the way. can we have a ...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 507 ℃ 591
  • 电话订餐英语对话40词


    Good afternoon. Peace Restaurant. May I help you? I'd like to reserve a table for two. My wife and I. Yes, sir. What time would you like, sir? I'm not sure…4102perhaps around 8 p.m。1653 Fine. I'll reserve a table for two at 8 p.m., sir. May I have your name, please? Julius. J...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 625 ℃ 389
  • 餐厅点餐的英语对话


    man:This resturant is very ***.Do you want to have a try with me?woman:OK!Let's go.waiter:Welcome to our resturant!How many people?man:2.waiter:oh,I see.Please follow me .This is your ***.man&woman:Thanks.waiter:Here's the ***.man:I 'd like some vegetable salad,**...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 572 ℃ 571
  • 急需在餐厅点餐的英语对话


    I’d like a Hamburger and an apple pie.Pop conversation1预订座位May I help you sir?I’d like to reserve a table for dinner.Certainly, sir. How large is your party?Six couples.Would you like to reserve a private dinning room?That sounds like a good idea.2进入餐厅Good evening, sir.Good e...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 250 ℃ 135
  • 急需在餐厅点餐的英语对话


    man:This resturant is very ***.Do you want to have a try with me?woman:OK!Let's go.waiter:Welcome to our resturant!How many people?man:2.waiter:oh,I see.Please follow me .This is your ***.man&woman:Thanks.waiter:Here's the ***.man:I 'd like some vegetable salad,***.You?woma...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 806 ℃ 451
  • 点餐英语对话情景20句


    点餐英语情景对话20句如下:1、Are you ready to order now, sir?   先生,您想现在点菜吗?2、Yes.  是的。3、Would you like ... I`d like to have French red wine. 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?  19、 Anyfhing else?  还要别的吗?20、No, tha...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 224 ℃ 668
  • 电话订桌的英文对话


    电话订餐英语口语对话 A: I’d like to reserve a table for three at 7:00 this evening. B: Let me check. Hold on, please.….Yes, that’s fine. Smoking or nonsmoking area A: Nonsmoking, please. B: All right. May I have your name A: My name is Zhong. B: How do you spell it, sir A: ZHONG. A:我...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 397 ℃ 526
  • 英文点餐对话


    Customer=C Waiter=W C; Waiter, come here, please. W: Yes sir? Can I help you? C; Can I have the menu, please? W: Yes, sir. Here you are. Now then, what would you like to eat? C: Let me see. OK, I'd like some beef, steak and some salad, please. W: All right! What would you ...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 199 ℃ 403