
当前位置 > 用can't造句并翻译10句用cant造句并翻译10句怎么写

  • can 的意思,每个意思造句。

    can 的意思,每个意思造句。

    会The classroom can seat thirty students. 这教室能坐三十位学生。 June can drive now. 琼现在会开车了。 2.(表示可能性)可能,可能会I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。 3.(表示允许、请求)可以You can't take the book out of the room. 你不...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 808 ℃ 670
  • can't怎么造句


    1、We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。2、I can't do two things at once.我不能同时做两件事。3、Money can't buy you happiness.金钱不能为你买到幸福。4、Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 420 ℃ 907
  • 用 I can.....和 l can’t 来造句。各造

    用 I can.....和 l can’t 来造句。各造


    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 944 ℃ 864
  • I can't stand doing造句

    I can't stand doing造句

    can't stand doing,指不能忍受干某事,是一个固定的用法。can't stand doing用法:用作不及物动词凯态芦时,含有困难但仍要坚持下盯带去的意思。接名词或代词作宾语,也可以跟动词不定式、动名词或that从闭闭句作宾语。can't stand doing的例句1、I can't stand doing my homework. 我不...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 900 ℃ 943
  • 用can't造句


    If love and friendship can't be together, I will abnegate the resultless love. 如果爱与友情不能并存,那我定会舍弃一份无结果的爱。They can't reconcile their differences. 他们无法调和彼此的分歧.One can't generalise.  不能一概而论。The genes can't be transduced. 这种基因不能转导...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 998 ℃ 622
  • 用can.must.don’t+动词原形造句5个并翻译。


    i can play basketball.she can dance. he can speak english. it can jump on the table. we can work together. you must finish the work. she must write a letter. he must wear that shirt. i must call him. we must stay here. please don't do that again. i don't know. we don't have any id...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 468 ℃ 222
  • unless... can't…的意思及造句?

    unless... can't…的意思及造句?

    Unless you invite him,he can't come。

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 283 ℃ 237
  • 用can l have造句

    用can l have造句

    This can holds five liters of water.这个容器可装五升水。扩展资料can, be able to这两者都有“能”的意思。其区别在于:1、can还可表示“可以”“可能”,即具有某种感情色彩。例如:Can I come in?我可以进来吗?That can't be true.那不可能是真的。以上两句都不可换用be able to。2、...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 910 ℃ 610
  • 用can造句


    1.what can I do? 一般的情态毁腊灶动词纤扮 2.It cannot be her. 推测 3.He could have done this better. 本应该做而没有做 4.If you won't keep quiet you can get out. 命令 5.This dog can be quite fierce.Keep away from it.表示偶然发生的可能性 6.Add three cans of water to make the orange ju...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 1000 ℃ 632
  • 用i can\'t造句

    用i can\'t造句

    I  can  not  play  the  piano.主语+情态动词+not+动词原形+其他

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 352 ℃ 278