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  • 海狸的英文怎么写?


    海狸英文是beaver。 词汇分析 音标:英 ['biːvə] 美 ['bivɚ] 释义: n. 海狸;海狸皮毛 n. (Beaver)人名;(英)比弗 短语 beaver shawl 厚羊毛围巾 dark beaver 海狸深棕 moscow beaver 莫斯科海狸绒 beaver fustian 全棉海狸呢 cotton beaver 充海狸棉绒布 例句 1、The Indians would barter bea...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 207 ℃ 363
  • 海狸的英文是什么


    beaver /�0�4bi�0�9v�0�5(r)/DJ /'biv�0�6/KK noun an animal with a wide flat tail and strongteeth.Beavers live in water and on land and can build dams(= barriersacross rivers), made of pieces of wood and mud. 河狸;海狸countable the fur of the beaver, used in making hats and cloth...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 682 ℃ 374
  • 海狸的英文是什么


    beaver /ˈbiːvə(r)/DJ /'bivɚ/KK noun an animal with a wide flat tail and strongteeth.Beavers live in water and on land and can build dams(= barriersacross rivers), made of pieces of wood and mud. 河狸;海狸countable the fur of the beaver, used in making hats and clothes 海狸毛皮(用以制...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 824 ℃ 112
  • beaver 海狸的英文简介

    beaver 海狸的英文简介

    Fiftysix cases of human intraocular filariasis have been reported. In 6, the objects interpreted as filariae may have been artifacts. In 8, a motile worm that apparently was not a filaria was observed. In the remainder, a motile filaria or filarialike worm was observed, but in only 6 cases were the ...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 633 ℃ 265
  • 描写海狸的英语短文


    The beaver is very intresting,The beaver lives both on land and in water. He likes swimming, building dams, his eyes are very bright.he is very kind, never hurt any animals,he feeds trees and grass,he eats out a tree in 15 minites,

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 524 ℃ 197
  • 海狸的英文是什么


    你好! 海狸 beaver 英[ˈbi:və(r)] 美[ˈbivɚ] n. 河狸; 河狸毛皮; [印] 海狸绒布; 工作勤恳的人; [例句]beaver: i wonder who found it? 海狸:我想知道谁找到了钱包?

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 625 ℃ 986
  • 海狸的英文怎么写


    beaver /ˈbiːvə(r)/DJ /'bivɚ/KK noun an animal with a wide flat tail and strongteeth.Beavers live in water and on land and can build dams(= barriersacross rivers), made of pieces of wood and mud. 河狸;海狸countable the fur of the beaver, used in making hats and clothes 海狸毛皮(用以制...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 843 ℃ 472
  • 海狸的英文加拿大的代表性动物


    海狸英文为:beaver。1、属性:加拿大代表性动物海狸,即河狸,学名:Castor fiber,是河狸科、河狸属的动物。2、外形:河狸躯体肥大,雌、雄无明显差异,头短钝,眼小,颈短,四肢短宽,前肢短,足小、具强爪,后肢粗壮有力,尾大、扁平。3、习性。河狸夜间活动,白天很少出洞,善游泳和潜水,不冬...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 209 ℃ 992
  • 海狸熊猫英袋鼠这些单词的英语该怎么说


    海狸 [词典] beaver; (河狸的旧称) castor; [电影] Beavers; 熊猫 [词典] panda; bear cat; bearcat; 袋鼠 [词典] roo; [动] kangaroo;

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 147 ℃ 835
  • 海狸的英文 加拿大的代表性动物

    海狸的英文 加拿大的代表性动物

    海狸[hǎi lí][词典]beaver; (河狸的旧称) castor; [电影] Beavers;[例句]海狸:我想知道谁找到了钱包?BEAVER: I wonder who found it?

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 154 ℃ 30