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  • 英语语法错误检查


    When we see them, some of us (may be happy to crazy).句子要有谓语 We can see many stars (in the news on the outdoor photos), whether (attending)some formal activities or (going) for a walk, mostly is wearing sunglasses. 注意介词,动名词 (Like the famous singer Madonna, she alway...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 849 ℃ 719
  • 求检查下英语语法有无错误


    嗯文章写事实性强质朴若作篇演讲稿则显些平庸缺乏些魅力...我专业评委故说没权利做评论仅仅做名普通听众说我想第三段稍微改更吸引我简单介绍自兴趣文所说:I like watching movies and communicating with friendsthat's OK!减些陈述性评价讨论改讲述经历故事家容易演讲者所...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 770 ℃ 391
  • 高分英语文章语法错误检查!


    (1)In this article I will tell you a quick and easy way to open an account Adsense and (+be) approved by Google. (2)Google Adsense is one of the best way(+s) to allow webmasters to earn money quickly with the content(s) of their sites. (3)If you do not already have an Adsense account最好改...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 577 ℃ 67
  • 请检查此段英文中的语法错误


    【介词用on才能表达那个频道在上演什么吧】 TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System Incorporation). Its name is Under the Bridge. 【此句没语法错误 但不符合表达习惯 改为 it named (called) Under the Bridge 较好 不过原句绝对没有语法上的错误】 以上仅为初中生的观点 知识面还很浅薄...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 976 ℃ 946
  • 求检查有没有英语语法错误


    你的英语水平还是不错的。句子结构掌握得很不错。中间有几个时态错误,该用过去式的没有用。细心一点就可以避免。keep改为kept; have to改为had to; am late改为was late; get all wet改为got all wet; 再一点严重错误,就是时间混乱,如i kept reading in the library容易给人一种在学校图书...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 435 ℃ 685
  • 帮忙检查英语语法错误急用


    prisoners. I admited that I planed to kill the savages first. But then I gave up the plan,for I realized that I had no right to do as the cannibals never attack me. And however I thought, I saved a prisoner and named my new companion “Friday”. I taught him English and converted him to Christian...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 110 ℃ 617
  • 检查英语语法错误


    后面加上 cheers him up ,更好。 four suits of amors 注意应是复数。 Finally,Baymax saves Hiro to stay in space, but he puts the chip on the hand, along with Hiro goes out. Hiro uses the chip to make Baymax alive, and then they continue to be heroes.”这段意义模糊, 没有什么语法错误,注意...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 225 ℃ 196
  • 英语高手请检查语法错误


    1.my topic 应该是the topic of mine这个是惯用通病 2.It may pass by without your attention我个人认为不应该有 by 不是经过,而只是时间的消逝,用pass 你后面的都是这样用的 3.Grasping the young well means a better time is waisting for you in the near future, 我觉得不是young 而应该是you...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 378 ℃ 586
  • 帮忙检查一下英语语法错误!


    修改后的文章 A friend of mine I have many friends . But only one of them is my best friend forever. His name is xing. I studied in a high school five years ago. It was then that I began to know him. He is a clever tall black boy. He likes playing basketball . So do I. Therefore, we always played b...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 181 ℃ 149
  • 谁知道哪款软件可以检查英文语法错误的?


    检查单词拼写2、纠正标点符号3、纠正语法错误4、对文章进行评分5、提供改良方案Grammarly的不足之处:1、网站响应速度慢(部分取决于网速)由于grammarly为国外应用,服务器架设在国外,因此在中国的响应速度较慢。2、高级功能需付费 扩展资料:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 718 ℃ 761