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  • 求一首英语儿歌


    不知道是不是这首 兔子舞,不过挺好听的啦,下面是歌词。你搜听一下: 兔子舞 left left right right go turn around go go go left right left left right right left left right right go go go left left right right go turn around go go go jumping grooving dancing everybody rooling moving singing night day let's f...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 385 ℃ 395
  • 求一首英语儿歌的歌词


    We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas And a happy New Year. Glad tidings we bring To you and your kin; Glad tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year! We want some milk and cookies We want some milk and cookies ...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 543 ℃ 282
  • 求一首英语时间儿歌


    Time for another year Song January, February, March April, May and June July and August, goodbye summer Autumn's coming soon. Hey September, October, November It's December, winter's here Goodbye Christmas, that's the end It’s time for another year. January, February, March A...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 343 ℃ 808
  • 谁有英语儿歌


    水果儿歌 The Fruit of the Spirit contributed by Paula Harrington The Fruit of the Spirit's not a watermelon (What 'cha yellin?) The Fruit of the Spirit's not a watermelon (What 'cha yellin?) If you want to be a watermelon You might as well hear it. You can't be a Fruit of the Spirit. 'Cause the Fruit is...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 948 ℃ 850
  • 英语儿歌歌词


    20首英语儿歌歌词 儿歌是穗磨在乳儿的'摇篮旁伴着母亲猜猛斗的吟唱而进入儿童生活中的。内容浅显易懂,寓教于乐。下面是我整理的一些英语儿歌歌词,欢迎阅读! 1. BINGO 小冰高 There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name oh. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 418 ℃ 251
  • 英语儿歌附翻译


    《Pussy cat》 Pussy cat , pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the Queen. Pussy cat , pussy cat,what did you do there? I frtghtened a little mouse under her chair. 译文: 猫姑娘,猫姑娘,你去过哪儿? 我去了伦敦拜访女王。 猫姑娘,猫姑娘,你在那儿做了什么? 我吓到...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 543 ℃ 391
  • 小学四年级英语儿歌


    One more try. One more try. Don't give up,and you'll reach the sky. Don't give up,and you'll wear a smile, High above the sky is fine. One more try,and you'll reach the sky. One more try. One more try. Don't give up ,and you'll reach the sky. Don't gi...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 764 ℃ 751
  • 关于英语儿歌,急啊。。。


    Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 189 ℃ 195
  • 好听的英语儿歌


    好听的英语儿歌15首 儿歌的传播在很大程度上是通过游戏方式来实现的',所以要求其作品适宜诵唱,并能与游戏过程相配合,必须呈现出鲜明的音乐性和节奏感。下面是我整理的一些英语儿歌歌词,希望大家喜欢。 1.HAPPY BIRTHDAY 生日快乐 Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to y...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 971 ℃ 743
  • 英语的儿歌有哪些?



    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 802 ℃ 119