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  • 翻译成英文


    我把第一个“害怕”翻译成为一个动词“颤抖”,第二个用了形容词“afraid”。是因为我没找到两个合适的形容词。另外为了押运,我把你的三四句的顺序颠倒了一下。同样五六句也颠倒了。 “害怕失去”我想了一下,用loss,lossing不是特别好,因为会被人以为是“失败”,我想你这里的...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 885 ℃ 910
  • 他们都是,的英文意思?


    英文是they are all,例句:他们都是我的前辈。They are all my seniors.

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 595 ℃ 605
  • 用英语翻译


    我爱你的多种表达一、最直接的表达I love you. 我爱你。(有感情,但不一定就有爱情)二、委婉含蓄的表达My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。You mean the world to me.你是我的世界。You carry my heart away. 我被你神魂颠倒。I lost my heart to you. 我的心丢在你那儿。三、戏剧性的...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 773 ℃ 25
  • 用英语翻译


    Love is a wonderful thing, come when you least expect them to, surprise youhappy

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 135 ℃ 263
  • 英语翻译


    Assume that you got two pieces of bread, you need to use one of them for a narcissus.

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 212 ℃ 633
  • 英语翻译


    上网查了一下,原句应为the millions of calculations involved , had they been done by hand ,would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished .假如用手工解决成千上万的相关的计算,即使完成了也毫无实际价值。这是一个虚拟语气的句子,可改为:If the millions of calculations in...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 592 ℃ 937
  • 英语翻译



    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 721 ℃ 920
  • 请把

    翻译成英语" target="_blank" >请把"这就是人生"这句话翻译成英语

    首先,英语里最简冲腔洁、标准的说法是毁判卜This is life. this is called a life / this is the life / it is that life / it is life 都是不正确的. 如果你要显得有品位,可以说C'est la vie,是纤穗法文的this is life

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 394 ℃ 797
  • 英文翻译


    If such alloys possess other properties whichmake them suitable for die casting, they areobvious choices for the process, because theirlower melting point will lead to longer dielives than would be obtained with alloys ofhigher melting points.如果这些合金具有的其他特质使它们适于印模铸造...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 431 ℃ 21
  • 帮我翻译成英文!急!谢谢阿!


    After supper,mother and daughter were washing dishes, father and son watch TV in the living room. Suddenly, the kitchen came the sound of breaking plates, and then silence. The son looked at his father, and said:" mother must be broken." How did you know. " She did no...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 531 ℃ 628