
当前位置 > 实用英语口语900句实用英语口语900句带音标第181节5句

  • 英语常用口语900句


    去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:唐伯虎 英语常用口语900句 篇一:提高口语必备日常英语口语900句 日常英语口语900句: 1. Hello.你好! 2. Good morning.早晨好! 3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。 4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗? 5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。 6. How a...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 954 ℃ 39
  • 职场常用英语口语900句


    职场常用英语口语如下:1、We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality,mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。2、In order to extend our ex...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 919 ℃ 988
  • 常用外贸英语口语900句


    1. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutually benefit and exchange of needed goods.我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。2. In order to extend our export business to your c...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 159 ℃ 919
  • 医院常用英语口语900句


    医院常用英语口语900句如下:I hate injections, Can I take the medicine orally? 我不喜欢打针,能吃些口服药吗? Can it be cured? 能治好么? Will it get worse? 能变坏吗? What could it be? 可能是什么病呢? What do you think? 你认为怎样? Can anything be done for pain? 对于这种疼痛,有...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 202 ℃ 986
  • 吃鸡常用英语口语900句


    吃鸡常用英语口语900句如下:1.Winner winner,chicken dinner!大吉大利,今晚吃鸡!2.Where shall we go?我们去哪里。3.We're going here.我们去这里。4.Let's loot the G town/M city/school.我们去G镇/M城/学校。5.Are we going risky or safety?我们是要刚枪还是猥琐发育?6.Let's ambush th...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 622 ℃ 202
  • 哪里有常用英语口语900句?



    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 448 ℃ 298
  • 实用英语口语900句那里可以找到?



    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 171 ℃ 548
  • 日常英语口语900句


    以下是整理的《日常英语口语900句:讨论房屋装修》,希望大家喜欢! 625. the roof has leaks in it,and the front steps need to be fixed. 屋顶内部有漏洞了,前面台阶也需要装修。 626. i’m worried about the appearance of the floor. 我担心地板的表面。 627. we’ve got to get a bed and a dr...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 228 ℃ 814
  • 谁有常用英语口语900句下载啊,我要MP3和文字.


    11. I'm working on my English now. 12. What's up, body? 13. Not much, how about you? 14 I'm going to an browd next week. Dialog Exercises Number One A. Hello Bill, long time no see.How are you? B. I'm fine. Thank you, and you. A. I'm fine, too. Thank you.How is your wife? B. She was si...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 935 ℃ 192
  • 谁有常用英语口语900句下载啊,我要文字,不要MP3


    m working on my English now.12. What's up, body?13. Not much, how about you?14 I'm going to an browd next week.Dialog ExercisesNumber OneA. Hello Bill, long time no see.How are you?B. I'm fine. Thank you, and you.A. I'm fine, too. Thank you.How is your wife?B...

    2024-07-04 网络 更多内容 995 ℃ 961