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  • 英语短文阅读


    看国家地理频道,最喜爱各类野生动物。每每看过,总会感慨自然界的动 物活得难啊——觅食固不易,生存更危险;万物相侵害,一环扣一环。 好不容易一口一口衔食喂大的小鸟,让黄鼬一下就连窝端了,她窝里还有 一群小崽子;刚出壳不久的小海鸥、小企鹅,硬让贼鹰从父母脚底下给叼走了; ...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 355 ℃ 749
  • 英语短文阅读


    一:Jack is seven years old. He can do many things by himself. He can smell with his nose. He can use his hands to play basketball. He can enjoy the delicious food with his mouth. In fact, he is proud of his sense of taste. Even though( 即使 ) he closes his eyes, he can still tell different food by...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 715 ℃ 757
  • 大学英语阅读理解


    大学英语阅读理解 大学英语不比高中的英语,更要加强训练和理解,阅读理解更是如此,下面是我给大家提供的大学英语阅读理解的真题,希望能对大家有所帮助! 第一篇: You never see them, but they're with you every time you fly. They record where you're going, how fast you're traveling and ...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 396 ℃ 227
  • 关于课外阅读英语短文


    我们大学生已是成年人了,通过学习新的专业知识来发展自己是我们的义务。直到我们以正确的态度对待我们的学习和生活,我们才能在大学拥有丰富多彩的经历。 关于课外阅读英语短文篇3 China is a country with a strong, her beautiful and fertile. In golden October we ushered in the Nati...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 147 ℃ 589
  • 英语阅读短文


    ( B )1.During the test,we know that the tested people had________. A.no braeakfast at all B.different breakfasts or sometimes none C.very rich food D.little food for breakfast ( A )2.The results show that______. A.breakfast has great effects(影响)on work and studies B.breakfast has little to...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 984 ℃ 424
  • 英语短文阅读理解


    (1) 算出你需要多少钱,并带上足够的钱。 (2)important need I need make a shopping list, take enough money and carry my own shopping bags. 意思相近的句子: There are many nice things in the shopping mall,but what you really need is only some of them. 主题句: Here are some shopping...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 973 ℃ 393
  • 英语阅读短文



    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 434 ℃ 937
  • 大学英语1阅读理解


    D,Sixteenyearold Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo.She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. 从这两句看出 Maria 还在Santo Domingo,没在USA,所以选D C,she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage a...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 843 ℃ 773
  • 大学英语小短文


    I like football,参考:)I wanna tell you this is true! Send a football picture here... When I began watching football matches,my favourite star is Owen ,which is played in Liverpool in England.But now,he has gone to Royal Madrid.So the impression of him is not as good as before. If you want to ask...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 479 ℃ 800
  • 英语阅读短文


    A Perfect Day When you come to the end of a perfect day, And you sit alone with your thought, While the chimes ring out with a carol gay For the joy that the day had brough, Do you think what the end of a perfect day Can mean to a tired heart, When the sun goes down with a flaming ray, An...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 627 ℃ 94