
当前位置 > 受人崇拜的英文受人崇拜的英文怎么写

  • 我最崇拜的人 英语作文

    我最崇拜的人 英语作文

    When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind guy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his ***.You could see him alwa...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 949 ℃ 467
  • 英语作文我崇拜的人


    the hero in my heart we always admire those heroes.they can guide us in life.the hero in my heart is Michael Phelps.he is really great.we all know that he got 8 gold medals in the 2008 olympics.but maybe you don't how hard he trained before it.he said"i know no one trains harder...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 293 ℃ 193
  • 我最崇拜的人 英语作文

    我最崇拜的人 英语作文

    When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind guy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his ***.You could see him alwa...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 329 ℃ 999
  • 崇拜英文是什么?


    adore英 [ə'dɔː(r)];美 [ə'dɔːr]    vt. 爱慕;崇拜;很喜欢1、adore的基本意思是极度地“热爱,爱慕”,指感情上为一个爱慕对象的魅力所倾倒;也可作“敬仰,崇拜”解,指把某人或物当作神或神圣的东西来崇拜或信...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 589 ℃ 905
  • 英语给自己崇拜的人写信?


    写你最崇拜的人 When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his ***...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 782 ℃ 447
  • 我最崇拜的人英文作文


    我最崇拜的人(The person I admire)—共两篇第一篇:When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.W...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 331 ℃ 421
  • 英语作文崇拜的人


    The Man I Adore There are so many people around me, among them, I like my father the most. My father is a hero in my heart, when I have questions, he can answer me and tell me something about them. My father also takes me to many places, like Shanghai,Beijingand so on. I am so hap...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 392 ℃ 880
  • 初二 我崇拜的人 英语作文(带翻译)

    初二 我崇拜的人 英语作文(带翻译)


    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 949 ℃ 723
  • 我最崇拜的人英文作文50字


    The person I admire most is Zhang Jie, who stands out from the talent show because of his gorgeous singing and handsome appearance. 我最崇拜的人是张杰,他是从选秀节目中脱颖而出,因为他华丽的歌声和帅气的外表。 He is a good singer and has been working hard,He is getting bett...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 625 ℃ 683
  • 崇拜一个人用英语怎么说


    比较常见的有 1.admire sb for sth/give an admiration to sb 2.adore sb for sth 3.with worship in one's eyes 以敬慕的眼光 worship the ground sb treads on 拜倒在某人脚下

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 914 ℃ 576