
当前位置 > 医生给我看病英语作文医生给我看病英语作文怎么写

  • 做医生应该给家人治病英语作文


    My mother is a teacher, who teaches Chinese in a middle school. Her job is to make students know more about Chinese and write beautiful ***.My father is a doctor, which is really a good job. In his job, he always spends a lot time saving people's lives, so I think my father has the grea...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 123 ℃ 338
  • 英语写作文我是个医生



    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 743 ℃ 191
  • 赞美医生的英语作文。


    my heart is envious and admirable.医生是一个崇高的职业,治病救人是医生的职责。医生救人小到门诊,大到手术,关系到人们的生命,因此,他们总是那么专心致志,不敢有一丝疏忽大意,他们知道一个小错就能酿成大祸。每当知道医生又救治好一个垂危病人,我的心里即羡慕有佩服。Zhong N...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 604 ℃ 611
  • 看病对话英语作文80子


    看病对话英语作文 D:What's wrong with you?医生:你怎么了?W:Yesterday I had a running ***.Now I have a sore throat.And I'm afraid I have a fever.I feel terrible.女:昨天我有一个跑步,现在我喉咙痛,我怕我发烧,我感觉很糟糕。D:I need to take your temperature.我需要量你的体温。(five minut...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 948 ℃ 674
  • 医生的英语作文


    Dear doctors and nurses,In this spring, the best season, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere, but nobody knows a diabolic claw is stretching to the pleasant people. SARS broke out in Beijing. Everybody is too frightened to go out of his house. But there is a group of brave people going...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 474 ℃ 518
  • 看病的英语作文


    Chen Ming was ill yesterday. So he went to see a doctor. A nurse took his temperature. After he got to the waiting room. Then he went to the doctor’s room. The doctor looked him over and said he had a bda cold with a fever. In another room the nurse. Gave him an injection. After that he p...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 340 ℃ 217
  • 看病的英语作文


    Chen Ming was ill yesterday. So he went to see a doctor. A nurse took his temperature. After he got to the waiting room. Then he went to the doctor’s room. The doctor looked him over and said he had a bda cold with a fever. In another room the nurse. Gave him an injection. After that he p...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 104 ℃ 814
  • 写一篇见医生的英语作文


    Yesterday I played football with my classmates in the rain.When I woke up this moring,I had a headachache,coughed and had a sore throat.I felt so terrible that my mother took me to see the doctor.The doctor asked me some questions and looked me over .He told my mother that I had a bad...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 105 ℃ 949
  • 看医生的英语作文50字?


    Today I felt ***.So my mum took me to the hospital.When I saw the doctor in white,I was so nervous.The doctor examined my body and togne and took my temperature.He told my mum I had a serious ***.So I must be given an injection.I cried once I heard that,because I was afraid of ache.(我...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 451 ℃ 676
  • 有关看病的英语作文八句话题作文


    More and more people are eating out becausethey are too busy to prepare their own food, which leads to several problems. For instance, fast foods are high in fat ,salt,and calories but low in fiber. Besides, people may be unconsciously consumingpoisonous foods because some merchan...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 516 ℃ 249