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  • 能找到一些初中英语的考试题和答案吗?


    Is this school ____ you visited last year?A:the one B:which C:that 答案是A 改成陈述句This school is ... you visited last year.显然,is后面需要表语... 但是分析句子的语法结构,由于有and,可以并列两套主谓结构。所以:1.假设原义中hurt是疼痛的意思,还是应该变形为hurts更为妥当,所以排除A;2...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 153 ℃ 855
  • 初中英语卷子


    Running did to see is listening to phone fishing smoking playing did not buy will be She wasn't washing her car. Where were you living in 1990? Was Jack watching TV yesterday evening? What were your friends doing this time yesterday? carry get take bring

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 465 ℃ 172
  • 初中英语题目解析


    1 c(表示数量,只是与人有关)2 a(首先需要是复数,bd排除,c 的话按照比较级的用法不对,选a) 3 c(首先是排除a ,原文意思是有一个要留下,而a 是两个都不。 同理,b 排除,它的意思是两个都,d也排除为两个都, 只有c 符合原意)

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 236 ℃ 905
  • 初中英语卷子


    小朋友,你用的是什么教材啊,你什么条件的都没给,我怎么知道你要的是几年级的,哪个版本的英语卷子啊?!你把问题补充一下吧 whsy

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 683 ℃ 364
  • 初中英语所有题目的答案



    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 279 ℃ 725
  • 初中英语题目


    1A的选项缺乏一个先行词,the place。但是在英语口语中不加the place也是对的,但是考试得有个答案,B项只是更好一点,作宾语从句。 2what is the matter? 的语序就是主语谓语宾语的结构。就像what happened一样。 3这是to do作后置定语的规则。像we have some clothes to wash. we h...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 944 ℃ 547
  • 求初中英语答案与解析


    He is man of great ability and he has achieved success in his work. (able)She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. (protech)Uncle Tom raised sone money and opened a shop that sells natural foods. (nature)Serious air pollution made this city the most unhealthy place...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 621 ℃ 242
  • 初中英语题


    any others要3空any other boy

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 575 ℃ 634
  • 初中英语题


    1.this 2.spell 3. Enlish 4.color 5. bag 1. Is that my 2. No,it isn't 3. This is mine 4. What's this 5. What's color 1.call 2.of 3.Please 4. lost 5. game 6.in 7. The 8. found 1.What's this 2. Is my 3.No,isn't 4.What's color 5.Yes, is 1. that It's 2.Is this it is 3.I am are you 4.Is this 5. Is that isn't 要对号入座啊...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 632 ℃ 616
  • 初中英语题解析


    C 他们用更少的钱和人做了更多的事。 less little的比较级,意思是“ 更少的” 修饰不可数名词 (如本句中的money) fewer few的比较级,意思是“ 更少的” 修饰可数名词(如本句中的people)

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 177 ℃ 219