
当前位置 > 初一英语阅读匹配题目初一下英语阅读超难题目

  • 初一英语信息匹配题目及答案


    并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列信息: 61. Susan is at a middle school. Her parents want to buy her a cheaper cellphone without games installed. 62. Mike intends to buy a phone with longer talk time and standby time and it must not be expensive. 63. Jane is at college. She would like...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 200 ℃ 447
  • 初一下英语匹配阅读 1篇

    初一下英语匹配阅读 1篇

    两篇 A)阅读短文,选择正确答案 There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I can’t do ...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 312 ℃ 183
  • 初一英语阅读题


    In the summer time,when there are many flowers,a beehive(蜂窝)is a very busy place.Bees fly from flower to flower. Flowers have a juice called nectar(花蜜).Bees take the nectar that thy like and make it into honey(蜂蜜). When a bee finds some good nectar,it hurries ***.It wants to tell the oth...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 559 ℃ 773
  • 初一英语阅读题


    在英国,每年都有成百上千的人受伤或死于交通事故。 那里有交通规则保障人们安全,但人们并非总是遵守规则。他们是_1_。如果每个人都遵守规则,那么将_2_交通事故。我们应该做些什么呢? 牢记这条规则:在英国,车辆是靠左行驶的,小车、巴士和自行车必须遵守这条规定。但是在其...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 813 ℃ 384
  • 初一英语阅读题


    1、Dust and gas make a star.(来自:A star is born from dust and gas.)2、Because it is very hot.(来自:The ball gets very hot.Then it starts to give off light. /// The ball is reffered to the star.)3、It has many years to live.4、Because their life are just like people's.They are born first, then grow old...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 658 ℃ 91
  • 初一英语阅读题目。


    1 Because many of their families came from England two hundred years ago. 2 No ,the weather in Australia is usually hot and dry. 3 Ayers rock is a famous rock in the middle of the outback. 4 sheep crocodiles 5 dogs 6 Australia is an interesting country. 亲,求采纳哦 看完短文,再把答案敲上...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 647 ℃ 44
  • 初一英语阅读题


    第一题没的选!因为没写明具体是哪个时间段的欧洲人! 第2题也没的选!因为没写明茶叶从哪来的。东、西、南方的国家都有可能,包括中国(东方)、印度(南方) 第三题选D没话说! 第四题选B。(下文她告诉儿子,她把茶叶煮熟后跟朋友分享。)故而不是干的。 第五题选D,鬼知道poured...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 642 ℃ 906
  • 谁有初一的英语阅读题?(3篇)


    A Mrs Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr Hunt about a nice dress. “I see it in the shop every day”, she says ,”and … “And you want to buy it ?” says Mr hunt .”How much is it ?” “Two hundred and sixty yuan .” wo hundred and sixty yuan for a dress ?That’s too much !”...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 342 ℃ 283
  • 初一英语阅读题目


    C C D A C

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 595 ℃ 873
  • 初一英语信息匹配题目及答案 紧急 请哪位好人帮帮忙吖!急吖?

    初一英语信息匹配题目及答案 紧急 请哪位好人帮帮忙吖!急吖?

    并按照要求匹配信息.首先,请阅读下列信息: 61. Susan is at a middle school. Her parents want to buy her a cheaper cellphone without games installed. 62. Mike intends to buy a phone with longer talk time and standby time and it must not be expensive. 63. Jane is at college. She would like t...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 282 ℃ 479