
当前位置 > 关于医生的英文作文关于医生的英文作文怎么写

  • 关于机器人医生的英语作文


    ladies and gentlemen. thank you for attending our companys news ***.As you know,there are more and more robots now.and our company has a new kind of robot for people who are old and living alone.Our robots can cook meal on time,and if you are late or early for dinner,don't worry...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 598 ℃ 680
  • 关于理想成为医生英语作文


    I want to be a doctor, because I want to be a doctor, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, for the people, make contribution to society, repay society and country.since this has been my dream, the doctor is a holy spirit occupation.

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 627 ℃ 922
  • 介绍医生工作英语作文?


    Resident physician's medical work is the work of the central link, the hospital is the medical quality of key. Resident doctor workstation design content including residencies all medical activities and daily affairs, such as: physician order entry, open check list, single laboratory, electroni...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 376 ℃ 780
  • 我钦佩医生英语作文


    The people I admire most The person I admire is my mum.She is an English teacher.She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor.Students all enjoy her ***.My mum is not only a good teacher,but also a great mother....

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 389 ℃ 558
  • 医生机器人英语作文带翻译


    ladies and gentlemen. thank you for attending our companys news ***.As you know,there are more and more robots now.and our company has a new kind of robot for people who are old and living alone.Our robots can cook meal on time,and if you are late or early for dinner,don't worry,you c...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 847 ℃ 15
  • 我的偶像医生英语作文?


    Since I was a little child#from , I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor. When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thought they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion, doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sic...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 445 ℃ 919
  • 初二英语作文(关于看医生的)


    医生: Seeing a Doctor Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home. The next day, I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed. In the afternoon, I got a high fever. My mother took...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 537 ℃ 253
  • 关于我将来想成为一名医生的英语作文


    因为医生可以帮助病人,让他们快乐。但是,很多人认为医院总是很脏,医生很容易生病。但如果我是一名医生,我不在乎。我非常喜欢这份工作,我相信我的梦想有一天会实现。成为一名医生对我有好处,我会尽力帮助病人。英语翻译技巧: 第一、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 545 ℃ 327
  • 我是小大夫英文作文45字


    春天随着落花走了,夏天披着一身的绿叶儿蹦跳着走来了。 初夏时节,各色野花在暖风的吹拂下都微微地绽开了笑脸。红的,紫的,粉的,黄的`````````它们像绣在一块绿毯上的灿烂斑点,闪耀夺目;成群的蜜蜂在花丛中辛勤地忙碌着,吸着花蕊,忙得不可开交。 阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 954 ℃ 287
  • 我想当一名医生的英语作文


    When I first read an article written by Chairman Mao, I knew a great doctor named Bethune. I’ve made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor’s job is. In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats peopl...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 183 ℃ 474