
当前位置 > 做家务的一段话英语做家务的一段话英语怎么写

  • 做家务的好处英语句子


    做家务的好处英语句子如下:1、Doing housework can help you develop your practical skills. 2、You can communicate better with your parents while doing the housework.3、You can train yourself by doing this and later in society,these skills you develop during housework will help you ...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 321 ℃ 651
  • 做家务是每个家庭成员的义务英语


    做家务是每个家庭成员的义务英语介绍如下:It is the duty of every family member to do housework。 做家务有哪些小技巧:家务生活小妙招1、防... 那么为了防止静电的问题的我们可以在擦桌椅的水中倒入一些衣物柔顺剂,这样在擦拭桌椅、柜子的时候也能很好的防止静电的问题,不容易...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 988 ℃ 467
  • 英语作文做家务五句话


    I can wash the clothes,cook the meal and sweep the floor. In weekend,I often help my mother sweep the floor. I like Friday.

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 790 ℃ 638
  • 关于做家务的英语短语


    关于做家务的英语短语:1.cleaning the house打扫房间;2.wash out toilet厕所(马道桶);3.mop the floor擦地板;4.dust furnitures为家具除尘;5.clean the window擦玻璃;6.do the cooking做饭;7.sweep the floor拖地;8.tidy the room整理房间;9.washing clothes洗衣服。

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 518 ℃ 350
  • 5个关于你做家务的英语句子带翻译。(20字数)



    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 532 ℃ 960
  • 做家务英语怎么写


    1、做家务英语:do housework。2、读法:英 [du: ˈhauswə:k]、美 [du ˈhaʊsˌwɚk]。 3、例句运用:I often do housework. 我常做家务。Youve never helped me do housework. 你从不帮我做家务

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 268 ℃ 369
  • 我每天做家务英文翻译


    I do the housework everyday 希望对你有帮助,你的好评,是我最大的鼓励。

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 781 ℃ 535
  • 家务的英语


    家务 household duties 或者 Housework 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 926 ℃ 588
  • 关于做家务的精彩句英语


    DOING HOUSEWORK Doing housework is part of our life. As a middle school student, I should do some housework for my parents. But what about other students? Here are the results of 100students. This pie chart suggest: 18% students often do housework. 26% students do housework ...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 102 ℃ 112
  • 描述做家务用英语怎么说 中学生作文

    描述做家务用英语怎么说 中学生作文

    I think it's good for middle school students to help their parents do some housework. By doing it, students can not only gain ability but also happiness. This can help students grow up quickly. Their parents will don't be so tired if students can share some housework. So I think it benefits studen...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 926 ℃ 659