
当前位置 > 你最喜欢的菜英语作文80词你最喜欢的菜英语作文80词说明文

  • 关于一道最喜欢的菜的英语作文只要80词


    Tofu is my favorate food. It is also called bean curd and is one of the most popular Chinese food worldwide. It is so nourishing ...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 993 ℃ 274
  • 介绍自己最喜欢的菜英语作文150词?


    My favourite recipe: Lotus root stewed spare ribs Lotus root stewed spare ribs is a nutritious soup main ingredient is the lotus root and spare ribs the main cooking process is to boil. Lotus root and ribs with meat and vegetables can balance nutrition which can be consumed as a tonic soup...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 221 ℃ 424
  • 歺馆特色菜广告英语作文80词


    to estimate the earth circle length is 4 million, Teddy sub. Now can not accurately know a Sturdee sub length exactly how much, but perhaps 200 yards, so that Aristotle's estimate is now accepted numerical twice. The Greeks even for the earth is a sphere provides a third argument, oth...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 557 ℃ 801
  • 我最喜欢的食物英语作文80词?


    最喜欢吃的食物饺子(My Favorite Food JiaoZi)In the spring festival we often eat JIAOZI . It is made from pie of meat,different vegetables that covers the whole pie.Chinese like JIAOZI not only because of its delicious taste but also because of its meaning of families get together during Spr...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 251 ℃ 156
  • 初一英语作文80词翻译我最喜欢的食物


    豆腐也是我喜欢的食物。它可以和很多其他种类的菜一起烹饪。不同口味相互结合能够使食物更美味。 篇三:我最喜欢的食物My Favorite Food     Different people like different food. Most children like ice cream, so do I. The ice cream has a lot of taste, such as chocolat...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 876 ℃ 600
  • 我最喜欢的菜初中英语作文


    My favorite vegetable One of my favorite vegetables are cucumbers. Its color is green, its shape is long oval. Layer of cucumber on the outside there is a small thorn, it is a bit difficult to handle, the skin trimmed away, exposing pale green cucumber flesh. Nen Nen, like the baby's skin. Cucum...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 754 ℃ 488
  • 用英语描述你喜欢的菜


    Since this is suppose to be done in English,I’m assuming that I should talk about a Canadian(外国) recipe(菜谱). The one I would like to write about is the Mashed Potatoes .in order to make the mashed potatoes,you have to add water in the pan with the potatoes in it,and boil(煮) it . Turn th...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 897 ℃ 347
  • 以“我最喜欢的食物”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的英语作文,稍微简短...


    Can you tell me?(翻译:食物是我们生活中必不可少。我喜欢许多不同种类的食物。让我告诉你一些关于我的最爱。我最喜欢的蔬菜是土豆。我不喜欢胡萝卜。苹果是我最喜欢的水果。它们是甜的,美味多汁。我最喜欢的食物是牛肉。我总是晚饭吃牛肉。你最喜欢的食物是什么?你能告诉...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 720 ℃ 872
  • 用英语介绍我最喜欢的一道菜


    but also maintain their own characteristics. It tastes very delicious.佛跳墙,是福建省福州市的一道特色名菜,佛跳墙通常选用鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等汇聚到一起,加入高汤和福建老酒,文火煨制而成。这道是把几十种原料煮在一起,既有...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 461 ℃ 314
  • 2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 460 ℃ 174