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    When the car drives through the woods, I want to have the last sight of the place which is beautiful like a fairy tale. However, there is nothing but trees, no less than the magic pumkin land. I feel very depressed, and even start to doubt the realness of that night.   自己的翻译,希望帮到你

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 489 ℃ 428
  • 中译英百度在线翻译(急)


    In nature can be constantly reproduce and regularly replenished energy, renewable energy. Such as solar energy and the energy conversion of hydropower, wind energy, nuclear energy, biomass energy, etc. They can be recycled, will not reduce by longterm use. After one hundred million, in ...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 781 ℃ 494
  • 中译英翻译器


    Aware of honor and shame emphasize good manners and civility establish new living atmosphere creat harmony good manners are past on among all of us. civility is improved with contribution from all people. civilization makes flowers more fragrant. civilization makes grass greener. c...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 115 ℃ 119
  • 百度英语翻译器


    I prayed untill that day,when our hearts will beat as one,I'll wait so paintly for that day to come,I know someday that you'll be by my side,cause I know god's just waiting till the time is right

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 457 ℃ 607
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    我也喜欢千与千寻,所以就发挥一下。At first glance,Chihiro is not a very goodlooking girl,nothing special about her,what with her mellow temperament,her listless manner,it's all kind of annoying.But as she grew,she learned how to care and gratify,she's learned how to be strong, ...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 420 ℃ 125
  • 汉译英百度翻译


    白色粉末;白色颗粒;易溶于水,不沉淀:White powder; White particles; Easily soluble in water, not precipitated

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 933 ℃ 935
  • 翻译 ,汉译英

    翻译 ,汉译英

    All the formulas are forgotten, only to remember the way you laugh你可以用百度翻译

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 740 ℃ 530
  • 百度在线翻译汉译英


    百度在线翻译 Baidu online translation 百度在线翻译 Baidu online translation

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 711 ℃ 490