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  • speak怎么读英语


    第三人称单数:speaks 现在分词:speaking 过去式:spoke 过去分词:spoken    speak的用法1、speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈。其后常接语言、实话等词...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 481 ℃ 854
  • speak怎么读


    speak [英][spi:k][美][spik] vt.& vi. 讲,谈;演说;从某种观点来说 第三人称单数: speaks 过去式: spoke 过去分词: spoken 现在分词: speaking 双语例句 1. You must be able to speak French for this job. 干这项工作你得会说法语。 2. He was so bedazzled by her looks that he couldn't speak...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 293 ℃ 831
  • speaking怎么读?


    speaking 英['spi:kɪŋ] 美[ˈspikɪŋ] n. 说话;讲话;谈话;演讲 adj. 演讲的;富于表情的;(肖像)栩栩如生的;雄辩的 v. 讲,谈(speak的现在分词 ) [例句]So we were speaking earlier about nucor , and ken iverson , who had this incredible sense of egalitarianism. 之前我们在说纽克公司,肯•埃弗...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 362 ℃ 681
  • speak怎么读


    1、speak英[spiːk]美[spiːk]。v.谈; 谈话; 交谈; 说话; 讲话; 提起; 讲述。2、[例句]Ill call you after Ive spoken to them.我和他们谈了以后就给你打电话。

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 111 ℃ 204
  • “SPeaK”怎么读?


    SPeaK 英 [spiːk]美 [spik]1,说话,讲话;Can you speak Chinese?2,责备;speak against3,劝告;The costars are still not speaking4,(行为、物件等)表明;The costars are still not speaking5,显示;The costars are still not speaking6,(乐器或其他物体)发出特有的响声,犬等吠叫

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 466 ℃ 396
  • speak怎么读


    音标发音:英[spi:k] 美[spik] 不过,单词中的“p”,发:b的音。 规则如下: 1、当辅音s 后面接清辅音时,(清辅音,是在发音时,声带不震动的辅音,如p,t,k等等。)后面的清辅音,要转换成相应的浊辅音。 例如: step star street speak excuse sky 中的 t,tr, p, k要读相应的d,dr, b, g。 2、例外:词末的...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 412 ℃ 823
  • speak怎么读


    speak的读音是:英 [spiːk],美 [spiːk]。   v. 讲;说话;演说;发言例句:I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you!翻译:我还是有能力把话说清楚的,谢谢你吧。短语:speak the truth 讲实话speak的用法1、speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 707 ℃ 616
  • SPeaK怎么读


    SPeaK   英 [spiːk]美 [spik]1,说话,讲话;Can you speak Chinese?2,责备;speak against 3,劝告;The costars are still not speaking4,(行为、物件等)表明;The costars are still not speaking5,显示;The costars are still not speaking6,(乐器或其他物体)发出特有的响声,犬等...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 713 ℃ 410
  • SPeaK怎么读


    SPeaK   英 [spiːk]美 [spik]1,说话,讲话;Can you speak Chinese?2,责备;speak against 3,劝告;The costars are still not speaking4,(行为、物件等)表明;The costars are still not speaking5,显示;The costars are still not speaking6,(乐器或其他物体)发出特有的响声,犬等...

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 304 ℃ 596
  • SPeaK怎么读?


    SPeaK 英 [spiːk]美 [spik]1,说话,讲话;Can you speak Chinese?2,责备;speak against 3,劝告;The costars are still not speaking4,(行为、物件等)表明;The costars are still not speaking5,显示;The costars are still not speaking6,(乐器或其他物体)发出特有的响声,犬等吠叫

    2024-07-22 网络 更多内容 865 ℃ 615