可数名次,做"学问,知识"的时候不是哈scholarship: [ 'skɔləʃip ]n. 奖学金,学问,学识例句与用法:1. He won a scholarship to Cambridge.他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。2. Her book is a fine piece of scholarship.她写的那本书是一部卓越的学术著作。3. The teach..."> scholarship是可数名词吗 –scholarship是可数名词吗?可不可以加s-趋势网-趋势迷

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  • scholarship是可数名词吗?可不可以加s?


    做"奖学金"的时候是可数名次,做"学问,知识"的时候不是哈scholarship: [ 'skɔləʃip ]n. 奖学金,学问,学识例句与用法:1. He won a scholarship to Cambridge.他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。2. Her book is a fine piece of scholarship.她写的那本书是一部卓越的学术著作。3. The teach...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 623 ℃ 559
  • scholarship 是可数名词吗

    scholarship 是可数名词吗

    做"奖学金"的时候是可数名次,做"学问,知识"的时候不是哈 scholarship: [ 'skɔləʃip ] n. 奖学金,学问,学识 例句与用法: 1. He won a scholarship to Cambridge. 他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。 2. Her book is a fine piece of scholarship. ...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 282 ℃ 698
  • scholarship 是可数名词吗

    scholarship 是可数名词吗

    做"奖学金"的时候是可数名次,做"学问,知识"的时候不是哈scholarship: [ 'skɔləʃip ] n. 奖学金,学问,学识 例句与用法: 1. He won a scholarship to Cambridge. 他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。 2. Her book is a fine piece of scholarship. 她写...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 938 ℃ 659
  • scholarship是可数名词吗?可不可?


    视情况。1. scholarship 表示“学识”、“学问”;“学术成就”;“学术研究” 时,是不可数名词。This book is a work of great scholarship. 这是一本卓越的学术专著。He is one of those of extraordinary scholarship at our university.2. scholarship 表示 “奖学金”时,是可数名词。He won/go...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 258 ℃ 101
  • scholarship是可数名词吗?可不可以加s?


    视情况 1. scholarship 表示学识、学问;学术成;学术研究 时数名词 This book is a work of great scholarship. 本卓越学术专著 He is one of those of extraordinary scholarship at our university. 2. scholarship 表示 奖学金时数名词 He won/got a scholarship to Oxford. Tom went to Cambridge...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 971 ℃ 305
  • scholarship是可数名词吗?可不可以加s?


    scholarship 意思是:奖学金 是不可数名词,是不能加s 的

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 945 ℃ 936
  • hardships 是可数名词吗?

    hardships 是可数名词吗?

    hardships是可数名词。1、当为困苦,苦难,艰难险阻的意思时,为可数名词。2、当为艰难情况的意思时,为不可数名词。词汇解析hardship英['hɑːdʃɪp];美['hɑrdʃɪp]n. 困苦;苦难;艰难险阻例:Many people are suffering economic hardship.很多人正遭受着经济困难。例:He will not shrink...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 400 ℃ 761
  • schorlarship可数吗


    scholarship学术是不可数,奖学金是可数。NCOUNT 奖学金If you get a scholarship to a school or university, your studies are paid for by the school or university or by some other organization.He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.他获得了普拉特艺术学院的奖学金。NUNCOUNT 学...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 984 ℃ 533
  • scholarship什么时候用单数什么时候用复数?


    scholarship [mass noun]academic study or achievement; learning of a high level (集体名词)学术研究;学术成就;学问 a grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement 奖学金 表示”学术研究;学术成就;学问 “是没有复数,奖学...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 918 ℃ 167
  • Scholars 这个词是什么意思

    Scholars 这个词是什么意思

    scholar n. 学者, 有文化的人 公费生, 领有奖学金的学生 学生, 学习者 受过教育的人 a scholar in[of] English 英语学者 As a scholar you will not have to pay college fees. 作为接受奖学金的学生, 你不必付大学的费用。 Old as he is, he is still a scholar. 他活到老, 学到老。 I am not much of a...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 132 ℃ 766