
当前位置 > feeble-mindedfeeble是什么意思

  • feeble


    A 解析:feeble adj. 微弱的;虚弱的故正确答案为[A]。【真题例句】Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them — especially in America — the sort...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 283 ℃ 367
  • feeble是什么意思


    feeble [英][ˈfi:bl][美][ˈfibəl] adj.虚弱的,衰弱的; 无效的,无意的; 缺乏决心的,缺乏活力的; 最高级:feeblest比较级:feebler 例句: 1. Centrism need not be feeble. 中间路线不一定是软弱的。 2. Why is the country as a whole so feeble? 为什么英国作为一个整体显得如此虚弱?

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 707 ℃ 601
  • feeble的汉语意思


    feeble ['fi:bl] adj.1. 软弱的,虚弱的,无力的2. 低能的,智力差的,性格软弱的,道德差的3. (光线、音量、响度、清晰度等)弱的,微弱的4. (强度、力量、效果等)无力的,不足的,无益的,无效的5. 易折的,易损的,脆弱的 eg.She was feeble from heart disease. 她因为心脏病而虚弱无力。 A feeb...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 250 ℃ 282
  • Few words, many deeds.

    Few words, many deeds.


    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 489 ℃ 246
  • Fine words dress ill deeds.

    Fine words dress ill deeds.


    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 136 ℃ 439
  • Fine words dress ill deeds.

    Fine words dress ill deeds.


    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 696 ℃ 813
  • be fixed in one's mind是什么意思

    be fixed in one's mind是什么意思

    字面意思是,牢牢的固定在某人脑袋里了。 可以翻译成某人牢牢记住了。 望采纳谢谢

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 113 ℃ 750
  • faded from his mind

    faded from his mind

    早在他65之际,他忘却了所有儿时的美好回忆. by + 时间 表示动作在这个时间之前,翻译的时候注意一下

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 555 ℃ 952
  • mindbroadening stuff

    mindbroadening stuff

    Broadening mind stuff拓宽思维的东西

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 743 ℃ 47
  • stuffedmind什么意思


    stuffed mind 满脑子里(是.....} 例句筛选 1. Then you arrived at your destination shattered and with a mind stuffed full ofwork concerns. 待抵达度假目的地时已经身心俱疲,脑子里满是对工作的记挂。 2. His mind was stuffed with worries on poverty. 对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重。

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 898 ℃ 666