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    when she reflected upon the discovery which she had made, yet not meaning to make it, of her love to Romeo. 5. 朱丽叶的脸上染上绯红, 而罗密欧却因为黑暗的夜晚而无视, 当她对她所做的发现做出反应时, 一切都是无意义的与她的的对罗密欧的爱相比. 水平不高...至少是自己翻译

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 375 ℃ 611
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    Computer language, database theory and application of computer composition and structure, operating systems, software engineering, data structure, computer network and computer interface technology and digital signal processing, digital communications theory, network engineering, ro...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 732 ℃ 689
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    A nice bit of kid the weight is more and more heavy, this trend just and increasingly obvious, this phenomenon mainly can the in order to next two reason come to explain, along with people living level of exaltation, the children have more opportunity egresses meal.They can't boycott a M...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 486 ℃ 233
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    美国人在他们的逐年假日喜欢旅行。今天,越来越旅客在美国是消费夜在小屋或而不是hotels.they的旅店第二天早晨得到一间屋子夜和早餐。 夜的Rooms在有早餐的私人住宅受欢迎旅客是在许多泪花的欧洲。在过去五到十年,那里旅店地方变得普遍在美国。的许多这些美国的旅店旅店是...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 796 ℃ 938
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    关于我们的KDHEALTHFOODHomepage产品联系我们PROUDUCTSK.D Placentra生物美容提取科威特第纳尔儿童与初乳中的Omega 3科威特第纳尔欧米茄3时06分09秒都在一个必需脂肪酸KD的本质袋鼠(2500毫克)科威特第纳尔水溶性羊胎盘提取物(仅限导出)KD袋鼠精Placentra 1...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 467 ℃ 563
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    key words:mausoleum:a special building made to hold the dead body of an important person or the dead bodies of a family: the royal mausoleumshah jahan:15921666) an emperor (=ruler) of northern India from 1628 to 1658, who many people consider the greatest of the Mogul family of Ind...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 142 ℃ 879
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    每一秒,都在重新定义驾驶Every second, a new definition of driving(英语中一般不习惯用一个完整的句子来作标题) 每一秒都将是前所未有的驾驶体验:TOYOTA油电混合动力车PRIUS普锐斯会依据行驶状况自动调节电动机和发动机的合作方式,或是单独运作,或是通力合作,每种方式都能提...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 516 ℃ 406
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    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 863 ℃ 905
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    Present paper's topic is the optical fiber thirdorder chromatic dispersion effect research, it is the establishment in the light pulse the generalized misalignment Xue Dinge equation which transmits in the optical fiber (Generalized Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation) is the foundation, and h...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 191 ℃ 48
  • 高手帮忙翻译下啊


    通常居住在中华人民共和国的时候,申请 有一本护照由中华人民共和国的有效期为至少3个月后,您计划离开新西兰 至少有18个,但不超过30岁 不把儿童与您 持有回程机票,或足够的资金来购买这样的机票(你必须持有足够的资金的期限您的访问和购买机票的外向来自新西兰,和这方面的证...

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