
当前位置 > 动物是我们的朋友英语动物是我们的朋友英语作文初二

  • 动物是我们的朋友英语


    动物是我们的朋友英语为:Animals are our friends。1、释义。n.动物;牲畜;兽;家畜;牲口;牲畜(一般的人);粗野残暴的人;兽性;(animal的复数)。2、短语搭配。higher animals 高等动物。lower animals 低等动物。wild animals 野生动物;野兽。plants and animals 植物和动物;动物和植物;动植物...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 616 ℃ 324
  • 我的动物朋友 英语作文

    我的动物朋友 英语作文

    Notice Dear classmates, We are going to visit the Capital Zoo tomorrow. There are several things that everybody must pay attention to. First, since there will be lots of tourists in the Zoo, every pupil must stay in your group. We will move collectively in order not to get lost. Secondly, fe...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 573 ℃ 145
  • 我的动物朋友英语作文。


    I have a dog at home. His name is Bobby. He is not just a pet but actually my friend. Since he joined my family five years ago, we have been spending time together whenever I do not have to go to school. While I feed him and bring home to walk around in the garden everyday, he follows my ...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 431 ℃ 590
  • 英语作文动物是我们人类的好朋友


    Animals are priceless treasure for human nature, it is our human friends. Their photograph die out with us is closely related to human life. Massive destruction of animals will have serious adverse consequences in humans, causing serious ecological imbalance, so that the human living envir...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 903 ℃ 763
  • 为什么动物是我们的朋友英语作文?


    Animals Are Our Friends 动物是我们的朋友I like all kinds of animals, such as birds, monkeys, pandas, and tigers. I think they are our friends. We can't live in the world without them.Animals are part of nature. They can't be seperated from us. If we want to live happily, we must keep...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 793 ℃ 467
  • 让我们保护我们的朋友 动物 初一英语作文

    让我们保护我们的朋友 动物 初一英语作文

    As everyone knows,animals are our friends. They bring us happiness. 众所周知,动物是我们的朋友。它们带给我们欢乐。 But,a lot of animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport... 但是人们杀死动物,获得它们的皮毛,把它们当作食物或运动方式。。。 Why should...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 436 ℃ 52
  • 我的动物朋友英语作文50


    I have a dog whose name is Mike ,i always hang out with him. His favorate toy is a ball, so I bought many balls for him. Usually, we go to the Central Park to have fun . Last week,we were playing with the balls when we met a beautiful Husky in the park near the pool ,Mike shouted at it abruptly...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 242 ℃ 473
  • 我的动物朋友英语作文8句


    I have a dog whose name is Mike ,i always hang out with him.His favorate toy is a ball,so I bought many balls for him.Usually,we go to the Central Park to have fun .Last week,we were playing with the balls when we met a beautiful Husky in the park near the pool ,Mike shouted at it abruptly .B...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 844 ℃ 990
  • 用英语写我们的动物朋友100个单词左右


    我们的动物朋友Our animal friends双语对照我们的动物朋友网络our animal friends at maple hill farm; our animal friends双语例句百度百科1当我们抱怨时,动物朋友们总会认真地倾听。Animal friends always listen attentively to our complaints.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 776 ℃ 976
  • 为什么动物是我们的朋友?英语作文


    I like all kinds of animals, such as birds, monkeys, pandas, and tigers. I think they are our friends. We can't live in the world without them. Animals are part of nature. They can't be seperated from us. If we want to live happily, we must keep the balance of nature. We should love nature and an...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 909 ℃ 268