
当前位置 > got造句简单一点got造句简单一点短句

  • 用has got造句

    用has got造句

    She has got two big ears.她有两个大耳朵 She has got two big eyes.她有两个大眼睛 She has got a small mouth.她有一个小嘴巴 She has got a big nose.她有一个大鼻子 She has got a two hand.她有两只手

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 168 ℃ 652
  • 用have got to 造句

    用have got to 造句

    1、I mean,people have got to have and raise kids.我的意思是,人类必须生孩子和养孩子。2、I have got to know the meaning of this word at last.我终于知道了这个单词的意思。3、Women's clothes have got to change and become less interesting if men are to be disinterested.女士们...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 907 ℃ 297
  • got的意思和用法!



    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 332 ℃ 201
  • I've got 造句

    I've got 造句

    I've got a cold. I've got a car. I've got a house. I've got a husband/wife. I've got a comfortable home. I've got a baby. I've got a happy life.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 986 ℃ 865
  • I've got 造句

    I've got 造句

    I've got a cold. I've got a car. I've got a house. I've got a husband/wife. I've got a comfortable home. I've got a baby. I've got a happy life.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 598 ℃ 224
  • I've got 造句

    I've got 造句

    They have got 5 prizes by the end of this year. 截止到今年年末他们已经获得5个奖项。 23、I have finished my homeworkes. 我完成了我的家庭作业。 24、She has watered the flowers. 她已经浇了花。 25、I have written the letter but I haven't posted it yet. 信我已经写好了,但还没有寄...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 605 ℃ 200
  • 用hasgot造句?


    She has got two big ears.她有两个大耳朵She has got two big eyes.她有两个大眼睛She has got a small mouth.她有一个小嘴巴She has got a big nose.她有一个大鼻子She has got a two hand.她有两只手

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 354 ℃ 434
  • she has got造句

    she has got造句

    17. She has got three luck pens, two of which she never uses. 她有三支幸运笔,其中两支从未用过。 18. "She has got guts; no one can deny that," said a colleague. “她有勇气;没人能否唯嫌定樱罩她这一点,”一位同事说道。 19. Jessy is loaded today. She has got her payment for this m...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 373 ℃ 172
  • she has got造句

    she has got造句

    17. She has got three luck pens, two of which she never uses.她有三支幸运笔,其中两支从未用过。18. "She has got guts; no one can deny that," said a colleague.“她有勇气;没人能否定她这一点,”一位同事说道。19. Jessy is loaded today. She has got her payment for this mon...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 118 ℃ 985
  • got it

    got it

    got it一、意思:知道了;明白;明白了吗二、例句:You've got it wrong.你弄错了。三、相似短语:got with 赶时髦,不落伍got on 进步,乘车(船等)got by 通过got it 懂得,受到处分got in 进入,到达got to 一定,必须,不得不,开始扩展资料got it近义词:understandv.懂;理解;领会;了解;认识到;明了;谅解;体谅...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 200 ℃ 177