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  • cuff是什么意思


    cuff是袖口的意思。释义:n.袖口,裤子翻边;手铐;一巴掌vt.给…上袖口;用巴掌打;给…带上手铐vi.殴斗,拳击n. (Cuff)人名;(法)屈夫;(英)卡夫变形:过去式cuffed、过去分词cuffed、现在分词cuffing、第三人称单数cuffs、复数cuffs用法例句1、Cuff: a fold used as trimming at the bottom of a sleeve...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 391 ℃ 578
  • collar and cuff是什么意思

    collar and cuff是什么意思

    collar and cuff 英[ˈkɔlə ænd kʌf] 美[ˈkɑlɚ ənd kʌf] [释义] <俚>柔弱的男子,女子气的男人; [例句]Collar cleanser HR311 Owing to its action of stain removal, emulsification and penetration, it can effectively remove stains on collar and...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 132 ℃ 92
  • rotator cuff是什么意思?

    rotator cuff是什么意思?

    rotator cuff 基本翻译 [解剖]旋转套 网络释义 rotator cuff:释义:回旋套,回旋肌腱群,肩部回旋肌群 rotator cuff muscles:旋转肌群|肩袖肌肉群 Rotator cuff tendonitis:肩周炎 http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q=rotator+cuff&tab=&keyfrom=dict.top

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 459 ℃ 538
  • cuff什么意思?



    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 855 ℃ 580
  • DNF中CUFF是什么意思


    说的是BUFF吧 BUFF这个术语是从War3的时候开始出现的,在WOW流行期间流传开来 官方解释是: A Buff is a beneficial spell cast on a unit. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Inner Fire or Shaman's Bloodlust. 意思是Buff是可以为一个单位加上有利状态的咒语。...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 987 ℃ 535
  • inner cuff 什么意思

    inner cuff 什么意思

    Sleeve Length from CB袖长(从袖口开始量)sleeve length (cb to cuff end)袖长(袖口到后中) #答案补充 #Sleeve Length from CB 后(领)中量袖长 #答案补充 #后中袖

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 401 ℃ 464
  • endocuff是什么意思


    The Endocuff is a new colonoscopy accessory that has been designed to improve both the adenoma detection rate and endoscope tip control.

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 773 ℃ 248
  • endocuff是什么意思


    endo cuff 内套管 词典结果: endo[英]['endəʊ][美]['endoʊ] 内;

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 592 ℃ 124
  • CUF是什么?


    The CUF is a national party with Professor Ibrahim Haruna Lipumba as the national Chairman from the mainland, and Mr. Machano Khamis Ali and Mr. Seif Shariff Hamad as Vice Chairman and Secretary General respectively, both hailing from Zanzibar. It received it's full registration ...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 184 ℃ 302
  • 2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 943 ℃ 125