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  • 英语语法改错网站是什么?


    英语语法改错网站是ComposAI 。但是app的更准确:Grammary。原理:原句常见的主系表结构的简单句。主语oneofthem,系动词为be的变化形式is,后面的成分充当表语。翻译:他们其中一个缺钱。其实从语法角度讲,改了之后句子本身也是成立的,但是从意思上看,和原来要表达的东西差别...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 796 ℃ 599
  • 英语语法改错


    米思出国英语 I am a top student (这个主句成分是正确的)who impose that efforts (这个地方从语法上来讲是可以的,但是impose使用的太硬了,试试acquire, 另外,that 一般修饰单数,所以efforts可以写成effort) (effort)is very important 这个地方有问题,这句话实际上是个从句,需要有一个引导词...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 283 ℃ 735
  • 英语语法改错


    I t is happened that he was out the other day. 疑惑: 1, 这题怎么改? 为什么? 2,这句话怎么翻译? he was out the other day 是什么意思? 麻烦分析句型 答:去掉is 译:碰巧前几天他外出不在家。 析:happen是一个不及物动词。但因为汉语中常说“发生了某事”,很多同学容易将它当及物动词看...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 495 ℃ 321
  • 英语语法改错


    For teachers, paying more attention to speaking lessons can improve their level of speaking as well as the enjoyable of a class.这句子哪儿错了?为什么呢?请帮忙详细解答,谢谢 答:这句话,我想不是一句地道的英语句子。要改错,请首先告诉大家,中文想表达什么意思。 有两点似乎有问题:...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 107 ℃ 153
  • 求英语语法改错


    Along with the rapid economic development, people's living standard has been greatly improved. Besides, it has become a trend that people are pursuing a high level living standard and a more comfortable environment. Despite pursue of material satisfaction, they also eager to be sa...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 395 ℃ 277
  • 英语语法改错


    41. D congratulate → celebrate congratulate的宾语必须是sb,结构:congratulate sb on doing sth; celebrate的宾语才是sth. 42. C third → three 或 D weeks → week 表示“每隔...”的结构为:every + 基数词 + 名词(数)= every + 序数词 + 名词单数 43. B are → is 此句的主语根据句意为单数,所...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 635 ℃ 948
  • 英语语法纠错


    He is the founder and general manager of Beijing Yimiaotong Netwok Technology Co.,Ltd. He is also a trainer focusing on vaccine sales and marketing. The major business of the company is to build the linking platform between vaccine industries, CDC&POV professionals and vaccin...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 217 ℃ 352
  • 英语语法改错


    改成: I prefer keeping it blank . 分析: prefer to do sth.宁愿做某事, 喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth. 倾向于做某事/偏向于做某事 keep it blank 让它空白,即什么都不写. 有这种说法,这是: keep sb./sth(作宾).+adj. (作宾补)的用法, 意为: 使某人/某物保持某种状态.

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 361 ℃ 966
  • 谁给推荐一个比较靠谱的英语语法纠错网站,或者软件?



    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 720 ℃ 751
  • 英语句子语法改错


    1 What knowledge and skills universities should provide has been argued for many years. 把should放在provide前(主语从句是陈述语序)】 (What knowledge and skills universities should provide主语从句) 2 The first reason for universities should provide these knowledge and skills is the stu...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 747 ℃ 919